; -- SET UP STRINGS ---------------------------------------
(set MSG_ASKDEST "Where would you like System-X to be installed?\nA drawer called SX will be created.")
(set MSG_COPY "Please Wait - Copying Files\n")
(set MSG_THANKS "System-X 1.00 now installed!\n\nYou may want to assign BBS: and DAYDREAM: to SX: for compatability with DayDream, AmiExpress and MAXsBBS doors.\n\n")
(set MSG_STARTUP "The Installer will now modify your\nS:User-Startup file.\nThe SX: assign will be added.\n")
; -- GET DESTINATION DIR ----------------------------------
(set dest_dir
(askdir (prompt MSG_ASKDEST )
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
; -- MAKE DIRECTORIES --------------------------------------
(prompt "Now we'll make a SysOp account. You'll be prompted for a few simple pieces of information. If you wish to convert a userbase from another BBS, you may convert DayDream/MAXsBBS userbases after this install has finished, using the converters in SX:Utils/\nMake sure you read the section on userbase converters in SX.GUIDE\n")